Antonio Brunori


Brunori Antonio is currently Secretary General of PEFC Italy (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) and editor of “” web magazine.

He is Ph.D. in Arboriculture (University of Perugia) and is graduated with a M.Sc. in Forestry (University of Firenze – Italy) and with a M.Sc. in Agroforestry (University of Florida – USA); he worked as professional forester in Israel and Brazil; as technical journalist, worked as Coordinating editor of “Sherwood- Foreste e alberi oggi” and Chief editor of “AF- Agronomi e Forestali”.

He was covering the role of Italian representative for IFAJ (International Federation of Agricultural Journalists) until 2013.

His interests focus on sustainable forest management certification, Non Wood Forest Products, environmental services provided by forests and tree plantations, and environmental impact assessment of human activity on natural and agricultural environment. He is member of the PEFC international Task force on “Trees outside Forest” certification.