Área de foco: D
Sustentabilidade e Produtividade
Sustentabilidade e produtividade são os indicadores da eficiência do uso dos recursos naturais e antrópicos de uma fazenda. A avaliação da eficiência baseia-se na contabilização da produção tanto em termos de consumo quanto em termos de insumos / saídas.
Como produzir mais para novas necessidades, limitando o impacto no meio ambiente? A abordagem metodológica do futuro deve visar o equilíbrio de recursos por meio de um planejamento cuidadoso do consumo.

Meta 2
End hunger, alcançar a segurança alimentar, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Alvo 2.3
Double the agricultural productivity and income of small-scale food producers, particularly women, indigenous peoples, farming families, shepherds and fishermen, including through secure and equitable access to land, other resources and productive inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for added value and non-agricultural occupations
Alvo 2.4
Ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, which help protect ecosystems, strengthen capacity to adapt to climate change, extreme weather conditions, droughts, floods and other disasters and improve progressively soil quality

Meta 12
Guaranteeing sustainable production and consumption patterns
Alvo 12.2
Achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resource
Alvo 12.4
Achieve eco-compatible management of chemicals and all waste throughout their entire life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release into the air, water and soil to minimize their negative impact on human health and the environment
Alvo 12.5
Substantially reduce waste production through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse

Meta 15
Proteger, restaurar e promover um uso sustentável do ecossistema terrestre
Alvo 15.3
Combat desertification, restore degraded lands, including those affected by desertification, droughts and floods, and strive for a world without soil degradation
Alvo 15.4
Ensuring the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to improve their ability to produce essential benefits for sustainable development
Açao 4
Planning and design of sustainable agri-environmental systems
The design of production methods lays down the basic principles that govern the entire production process of agricultural systems.
The design of the production methods identifies the main agronomic phases that make up a production process, describing its basic purposes and the methods for achieving them that respect the environment and human, animal and plant health.
In particular, in the agronomic design phase, we examine the different types of soil processing, its fertilization, some good agricultural practices and the cultivation processes. The aim is to identify, through the phases of the whole process, which behaviors can contribute to a socially responsible agriculture.
The design of the soil processing serves to make the soil more porous and softer, to encourage plant growth and crop productivity. Through processing the soil is prepared for sowing, thus creating the conditions suitable for the burial and germination of the seeds and the penetration of the roots; the permeability of the soil is increased by favoring the infiltration of water and reducing phenomena of stagnation and erosion; the existing vegetation is eliminated and weeds are contained; the fertilizers are buried to nourish the soil.
In any case, when designing the production method it is necessary to bear in mind that there are different types of soil, therefore the choice of the method and the respective soil processing techniques is essential for the evaluation of the properties and characteristics of the soil to be cultivated and of the plant species that this must accept, of the risks of erosion and from the climatic conditions of the cultivation area. In general, deep machining with machines and tools that cause excessive burial of the active layer and damage the soil structure (compaction, pulverization, etc.) are to be avoided.
Maintaining the fertility of the soil remains a priority objective in the design of production methods: the plants derive the correct nutritional supply from the soil, consequently the more fertile the soil is, the more yields will be better and of high quality.
The alternative to soil fertilization with synthetic chemical substances consists in the use of natural mineral fertilizers and in organic fertilization.
Even appropriate cultivation techniques, such as rotation and green manure, fertilization with natural or organic fertilizers are more sustainable.
Precision farming is a technologically advanced form of agriculture, in which machinery is used that is equipped with “intelligent systems”, able to dose the production factors in relation to the real needs of the plot and to the different homogeneous areas within it.
This technique can be aimed at increasing productivity with the same overall inputs; to reduce inputs for the same productivity or to increase productivity while reducing inputs.
The technological progress achieved in terms of automation, management and processing of spatial data makes precision agriculture already potentially feasible from the farm, at least from a technical point of view.
However, the application of this innovative approach requires a thorough knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the fields, their mapping and storage, so that they can then be managed by a control computer.
Projetos-piloto ativáveis
Projetos-piloto podem envolver uma ou mais metas dos objetivos identificados, bem como um ou mais indicadores gerais. Para fins de verificação e mensurabilidade e contabilidade relacionada na definição do projeto executivo, indicadores específicos serão identificados entre aqueles definidos na Estrutura de Indicadores Globais 2019 do ODS.
The pilot projects that can be activated in Action D.4 are the following:
• Intelligent water systems
• Digital infrastructure to support production
• Methods for rationalizing production
• Implementation of agricultural waste recovery and recycling systems.