What is agenda 2030? It is a plan of the United Nations Organization approved on September 25th 2015 para transform the method through which the development that has consumed resources no longer reproducible has been produced, irreversibly damaged the environment and produced substantial changes also in the climate. O 2030 agenda includes 17 objectives for which 169 targets are defined and 240 statistical indicators through which the approaches to the sustainable development goals followed by the various countries will be monitored and progress made up to 2030 will be measured.
To achieve the goals of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, the commitment of all the actors who work together in different sectors is required, sharing financial resources, knowledge and skills.
The strategy implemented by agenda 2030 provides partnerships for sustainable development by providing multi-stakeholder initiatives voluntarily undertaken by governments, intergovernmental organizations, interest groups, associations, orders and professional organizations, companies and networks of companies or professionals aimed at competing for achievement of objectives.
The process has already started some time ago, with commitments made for the implementation of the objectives and for sustainable development agreed at intergovernmental level, such as agenda 21, the Johannesburg implementation plan, the millennium declaration, the final document of the united nations conference on sustainable development (Rio + 20) entitled “the future we want”, the third international conference on island states of small islands; the 2030 agenda for sustainable development represents the current organized framework.
Objetivo 17 on sustainable development, which states “strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development”, recognizes partnerships between the various actors as important vehicles for mobilizing and sharing knowledge, skills, technologies and financial resources for supporting the achievement of development goals in all countries, particularly those in the developing world. objective 17 also seeks to encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships based on the partnership’s experience and resource strategies.
This document establishes the guidelines of the WAA for Agenda 2030 Action Plan for the period 2020-2030 which will include both monitoring and updating every three years at the triennale.