Curriculum vitae
Dr. Noureddin Driouech, Agricultural Engineer specialized in Phytopathology (1991-1995), he got a Master of Science degree in Plant biotechnologies (1997-1999), and holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences, design and management of sustainable Mediterranean cropping systems at Tuscia University- Viterbo, Italia (2004-2008). A partire dal 1999 per 2020, Dr. Driouech served as Agronomist Consultant and Researcher for post-graduation Master program in Organic Agriculture at CIHEAM Bari. He teaches Basic Organic and Agroecology Research and On-farm Indicators of Sustainable Agriculture. He has 10 years expertise and competencies in eLearning instructional design and higher agriculture education curricula development . Since 2010, he is acting as the coordinator of the CIHEAM Bari Alumni Network (FTN).
His main duties include Networking and Alumni management, diffusione, editing FTN publications and conducting follow-up research studies to analyze the the Impact Assessment of CIHEAM Bari Educational/Research on students’ career progress, employability, mobility and pathways.
His scientific interest focuses Innovation in education/training and research in agriculture, agri-foods sector, agroecology and environmental sustainability issues. He has been Involved in several Italian, EU-funded and Cooperation projects (e.g. MIRA, MedSpring, AFORIL, Feeding Knowledge, ACLIMAS, Horizon 2020 Service Facility, Cure-XF, LeapAgri, BioFruitNet, GenderSMART, eccetera.).
At present, Dr. Driouech is the CIHEAM Bari reference for EU Program Erasmus +KA2 (UniClaD) “Enhancing capacity of universities to initiate and to participate in clusters development on innovation and sustainability principles”.
He is the authors of more than 80 scientific papers/articles and publications and 1 book, co-editor of Agrosym Symposium and AgroFor International Journal, a member the UC Berkeley Environmental Leadership Program Network and various International Conference Scientific Committees.
He operated as an expert in various Mediterranean countries, Albania, Croazia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egitto, Francia, Marocco, Tunisia and Syria.
He speaks Arabic, French, English and Italian.