Noël Culleton


Noël Culleton, degree in Agricultural science in UCD in 1974 and completed a PH.D in plant physiology in 1987.

He worked for four years in the Department of Agriculture from 1975 à 1980.

He joined the Research organisation, An Foras Taluntais, dans 1980 as a research officer.

Over the years he worked on areas ranging from grassland to forestry to soils and the environment.

He have published some 60 scientific papers as well as over 600 technical articles.

Head of Johnstown Castle Research Station in 2007 and oversaw a vigorous research programme on aspects of environment and agriculture.

Over the years, he have worked on several E.U. research projects and have been involved in international consultancies.

He retired in 2012, but he have maintained a strong interest in all matters pertaining to Agriculture.