Fernando Andrade


Dr. Andrade obtained his undergraduate degree from UBA (1980) and his PhD degree from Iowa St Univ (1984).

He is a Researcher at INTA and CONICET and Professor at the Univ de Mar del Plata. His areas of interest are the study of the physiological and environmental bases of crop yield and the global challenges of agricultural production.

He was director of 50 postgraduate students (Magister and Doctorate) and has published 127 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, 31 book chapters and 6 livres. He was National Coordinator of the Plant Ecophysiology Strategic Area of ​​INTA (2005-2014). Accomplishing this role, he contributed to the formation of research groups in different regions of Argentina. He was a member of the Doctoral Commission (1996 à 2009) and Director of the Graduate School (2004-2005).

He has received many awards. The most prominent are: Konex Foundation Diploma (Bs. As. 1993- 2003), Clarín Rural (Bs.s As., 2008), Pires (ANAV, 2011), National Agronomy and Veterinary Academy member (ANAV, 2012.), Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos Bs. As. (2018), Houssay trajectory (2020), and Researcher of the Nation (2020).